40 More Days of Sight-Reading for Bari Saxophone
$ 15.95
40 More Days of Sight-Reading for Bari Saxophone
This book is a prequel to 40 Days of Sightreading.
There are 164 sightreading lines designed with the second-year player in mind.
There are four sightreading lines per day for 41 days. (There is a bonus day because I accidentally wrote an extra day!)
All lines are in unison, and most are 8 measures long. These lines are short to maximize rehearsal time.After the initial start, each page has a line in the key of B-flat, E flat, and F.
The fourth line for each day is a “sightreading of pain” line. These are designed to be much more challenging and generally do not make any sense to encourage the students to read with their eyes and not their ears.
The melodies are very sequential. The book starts with whole notes and half notes and goes up to easy 16th patterns.
Dynamics, accidentals, repeats, and first and second endings are included.
Articulations are also included near the end of the book.
The four lines on days 36-41 may be played at the same time to create a mini song with harmony. These are designed to develop independence.
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